SS: Sunday Saves (#81)


Welcome to the first Sunday Saves of 2018! I decided that I needed a few weeks off from my Sunday Saves towards the end of December but I’m glad to be back in this New Year. Before we begin today’s post, I wanted to talk about two changes I’m making regarding this series. 

Before, I was talking about three different blog posts each week and now, I’m increasing that to five posts. For me, it’s first and foremost, I believe it will keep me interested in perusing the series and not losing interest. The second change which relates to the first change is that at least twice a month, there will be a theme. I found especially towards the end of last year, because I didn’t have a theme, I was able to choose blog posts very easily and it wasn’t challenging. Not that I don’t love those blog posts that I chose (because I truly do) but I want to be more selective, I want them to ignite something in me and hope that it translates to the reader too.

1) Not Dressed As A Lamb (How To Make 2018 Your (My) Best Year Ever)

Catherine listed a number of resolutions that can apply to anyone and I believe we should be implementing them into our lives in some shape or form. She talks about not letting people take advantage of you which I know, even today, I still let this happen. Not neglecting your health and putting yourself first go hand in hand because we know that we often treat our friends or our pets better than we treat ourselves and we shouldn’t. We should have the same respect for ourselves so those two resolutions are something we should all try and aim for.

2) Harmony Blaze (My Commitments to 2018)

Emma discusses three commitments rather than resolutions, that she would like to move forward in 2018 with. Living more consciously towards the environment and Meat Free Mondays go very well together and I believe it’s something that is very simple to make those small changes in order to achieve that. She also mentions self care and it’s something we can make more of a priority of ourselves, because I know that I feel guilty for having an extra lie in in bed on a Sunday morning, which isn’t a bad thing at all.

3) (9 Creative New Year’s Resolutions)

If you’re looking for creative New Year’s Resolutions then Ideas at TED has you covered and I was surprised at how out of the box their ideas were. Celebrating one of your failures with your friends, doing one thing that scares you knowing you’ll get rejected and choose one person you disagree with and take them out to lunch. Not your conventional resolutions right? That’s what interested me so much about them. Each of the resolution ideas have TED talks attached to them so if you’re a TED Talk watcher, you’ll love this article.

4) Poco Petite (New Year’s Resolutions and Reflections)

In her post, Hannah talks more about reflections than resolutions. While setting intentions for the year, I believe it’s important to look back on the year that has just past to see what worked for you, what didn’t work, what you want to improve on and how you felt. Hannah’s attitude to both these subjects of resolutions and reflections is refreshing; I tend to look more at my failures than my successes and reading her post, it’s something I need to take a more in-depth look at and see how far I have truly come in a year.

5) Twisted Paths: A Journey (New Year’s Reflection: Slow Down)

My final post for this week is by Hiro Nishimura and it is quite different to the other posts featured. It’s a “grab a cup of tea” post because it’s quite long but trust me, it’s worth it. She talks about a range of topics; living in the busy city of New York, not taking time to slow down and she talks through her story of how she had been diagnosed with Arteriovenous Malformation and then finding out later down the line that she had developed a brain tumour. It’s a harrowing story and she also discusses gratitude; how she really does appreciate the little things because she has been so close to death before. How one person went through such a health journey is so surprising and she now blogs about having a disability and life as a brain injury survivor.

That’s all from my Sunday Saves this week. I hope you can see how the changes have positively impacted the post because I can certainly see it myself and it’s given me that little boost I felt it needed. Thank you so much for reading and have a great day! ☀️ 

2 thoughts on “SS: Sunday Saves (#81)”

  1. Hello! What a lovely surprise to wake up to a ping back to one of my blog entries! I am so flattered to have been featured in your post! Thank you so much for taking the time to not only read about my journey, but to share it with your readers. (This is a great challenge, by the way… I read very interesting/inspiring blog posts all the time… I should begin a collection!)
    I always have difficulties “slowing down” myself, but ironically, when I’m fighting for my life and begin to slow down is usually when I appreciate my life the most, especially the small mundane things about life we generally take for granted. Being close to becoming disabled or death really strips away all the extraneous fluff from life, and makes you focus on the most important things. And I hope more people come to see the very small amazing things of this world and their own bodies without or before experiencing catastrophic situations like mine 🤗
    Happy New Year!


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